Norton 2009 TrialReset will reset the trial period (generally to 90 days) every time you start your computer.
Tested on WinXP (x86) & Vista (x86/x64). It may not work with the latest patches/updates.
This crack is for the Norton Internet Security 2009 {v16.5.0.135}, Norton AntiVirus 2009 {v16.5.0.134}, and Norton 360 S/P {v3.0.0.135}. It was tested on WinXP (x86) & Vista (x86/x64). It may not work with the latest patches/updates.
NET framework v3.5 must be installed.
Before installing Norton 2009, make sure that you are disconnected from the internet.
Reconnect to the internet when you are ready to update Norton 2009.
Installation (Approved Method):
1. Delete and [PURGE] your Recycle Bin of all the known Trial Reset by BOX prior to this version.
2. If your Norton has expired and still installed, then do the following:
a. Start NTR2.8A [just to check] if your Norton was blacklisted. (If you see [red] or it tells you, then you are blacklisted.)
b. Uninstall Norton and restart the computer.
c. Run the NTR2.8A and purge Norton.
d. Install Norton.
3. Run LiveUpdate until there is no more. (Restart the computer if required.)
4. Do a Comprehensive / Full System Scan with your Norton (remove all files and folders in the " Scan Exclusions" and "Signature Exclusions") and restart the computer.
5. If your Norton has expired, then [REPEAT] Step 1-4.
6. If your Norton has not expired, then [Uninstall] Norton, restart your computer, and install the latest trial version of the Norton again.
7. Install NTR2.9A and [follow] the instructions.
8. IF you want to uninstall the NTR2.9A, just click the Uninstall.
Installation (Raped Method):
1. Install Norton. (If already installed, then skip to Step 2.)
2. Install NTR2.9A and [follow] the instructions.
3. IF you want to uninstall the NTR2.9A, just click the Uninstall.
* Note 1: In the future, if you restarted your system and Norton expired because it was blacklisted again, then just restart your system. It [should] reinitialized Norton at the next reboot. When Norton expired, it is an indication that some things aren't right.
* Note 2: For users who are constantly getting blacklisted, you need to do [Installation (Approved Method)] again.
* Note 3: Don't let anyone force you to use this program.
LATEST VERSION:26th April 2009 - TESTED & WORKING with above Symantec products.
Keep in mind Symantec sometimes blacklist this, so new version will appear.Rapidshare:
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