What is the best place to write notes on? Of course your PC desktop, where they are all visible at a glance. FreeNote let you create a number of virtual sticky notes around your PC screen.
Using FreeNote is easy: install it and a yellow note icon will appear near the clock of your Windows' taskbar, just double click on it, to create a new note.
You can move the note and place it anyware on the desktop, by dragging it from the top or bottom side.
Click on the notes with the left mouse button to activate and modify them, or use the right mouse button to let the note popup menu appear: it let you drop (remove) the note, automatically resize it, or access the note layout property panel.
As you can see in the picture the normal Undo and Cut&Paste functions are supported.
Selecting "Search the Web" option, a Web browser window will pop-up and the selected part of the note text will be searched on the web. If no selection is available, FreeNote will search the whole content of the note filtering all non alphanumeric characters and word shorter than 3 characters.
The "Resize to content" menu option, let the note change it size to the optimal size for the contained text.
Setting "Always on Top" option, the note will stay on the top of any other normal window of the desktop. This is a toggle type option, so you can set and unset it at will.
Using the "Note settings..." menu option, you can personalize the graphic layout of each note, choosing font face, font size, background color, text color and border color.
Clicking with the right mouse button on the FreeNote application tray bar, you will get the main popup menu, where you can choose between various options.
Click on "Add new note" menu option, to add an empty note to the desktop. You can get the same result also, by double clicking on the application tray icon.
The "Paste to new note" menu option, let you add a new note filled with the text content of the clipboard.
The "Search:" menu option allow you to search the text currently in the Windows Clipboard ("Timeo Danaos" in the image example). You can copy any text from an application and then quickly start a web search for it using this option.
The "Foreground all notes" menu option, just let all notes pop up, to let you easily access them. The "Arrange all notes" option, will arrange the notes, moving them to the right of the desktop.
Use "Purge empty notes" option, to remove all the notes, that contains no text.
With the "Default note settings..." menu option, you will access a note appearance configuration window, that let you choose the properties of all the new notes.
The "Options..." menu will open a configuration panel that let you choose some FreeNote behaviours, like whether or not automatically launch FreeNote at Windows startup, whether asking a confirmation on note dropping, whether shows FreeNote splash screen at startup, whether FreeNote must automatically check the web for available updates, whether the notes must drop a shadow.
You can also chose if the "Arrange all notes" menu command will arrange notes on the right or on the left of the screen.
Finally it is possible to change interface language by selecting one of the possibles languages supported.